Week 14: Celebrate Your Life
I'm finding it difficult to distill all the wisdom from the various sources in this course into one blog post. One of the major principles that were driven home is that money is simply a tool. It is never to be seen as the end goal, but a tool to help you accomplish the things that you want most with efficiency. If you have not taken the time to develop your true character, goals, and guideposts, then money will simply serve as a vehicle to self-destruction quicker and more directly. If, on the other hand, you have a set mission statement with larger life-goals and a central stabilizing purpose, then money again, will serve as an efficient gateway to those goals. Though I had earned this knowledge through life experience, it was valuable to have seen it first hand, and to hear it over and over from men and women who had made a lot of money and could say with all honesty that it didn't solve all of their problems or bring them true happiness, by ...