Week 10: Dream Big Dreams

     I have had The Challenge to Become recommended to me three times now, and have listened to it each time.  I listen to it, and then get distracted by something each time.  Maybe it's because there are a lot of principles outlined in this talk.  I don't know.  Clearly, it's one that will require deeper study for me.  This last time that I listened to it, I gave it every ounce of my concentration.  

    I was reminded of the time in my life as a young adult when I was on a path leading away from a life with God.  I had no immediate family members who were active believers.  Nobody seemed to care whether I acted in faith or not.  Then one day I got a phone call from the ward secretary in my parents ward.  They were just looking to reach out to the young adult members who they haven't seen for a while, he said.  Would I mind coming in, just to visit and tell them what I had been up to lately.  I couldn't think of a reason not to, so I agreed.  As I walked into the church building that evening, I was flooded with the feeling of closeness to the Lord.  The smell of the building, the paintings on the walls, the quiet goodness of the people working there that night, it all combined to give me that feeling.  Woah, I haven't felt that in a while.  I thought.  As I visited with the good bishop of that ward, something happened.  I committed inwardly to follow Christ.  I became converted.  I left that building a new creature in Christ, yet no ordinance had taken place, no temple covenant or anything like that, I was simply changed by the Grace of God.  I was different from that night on.  Big changes needed to be made in my life, and I made them without wavering or even so much as looking back.  I've always kind of considered myself a convert even though I was baptized at 8 years old.  I love that I have an adult memory of who I was "before", and who I became after.  It completely changed the course of my life and who I am today.  That's the power of conversion and becoming.  Obviously, I had to stay on the gospel path and make further covenants to get to be who I am now compared to that 19 year old kid walking into that church building so long ago.  It really is all about becoming.  

I really loved the interviews that I completed this week.  As I said in my report, it really cemented in my mind the path to becoming certified as a genealogist, and of finding an area of specialization and expertise.  The interviews left me really excited and comforted.  I'm grateful for the women who took time to meet with me.  


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