
Showing posts from September, 2020


      I think Randy Pausch was able to achieve so many of his dreams is because he took his dreams seriously.  I love the example of his parents letting him paint math formulas on his wall.  Maybe it was because of this and other supportive actions of his parents that contributed to him taking his dreams seriously.  Maybe it was because he had native ability in his chosen field, and that helped him to push on in the face of failure.       Dreams are important!  I think what we daydream about in our quiet moments, those dreams that will never be spoken out loud reveal who we really are and what we really long for on the inside.  Maybe not all of our dreams do that, but I really do think most dreams do reveal our truest selves.       When I was young, I really wanted to grow up, be a ballet dancer in New York, and have a small apartment where I practically starved to death, but I was happy because I was a danc...

Well, Here Goes

I'll start with the major question or mental block that I have with entrepreneurship.  The idea of 'dream big' just does not resonate with me.  When I encounter this idea, I mentally clench up.  The reasons for this are many.  First, what is wrong with living a small life?  In April 1982, Howard W. Hunter said  "There are some anomg us who are unhappy with their lives because they have wanted to achieve a measure of greatness in this life but now feel they have failed in some fundamental way.  We have concern for those who have worked hard and who have lived righteously but think-because they haven't achieved in the world or in the Church what others have achieved-that they have failed."   He goes on to quote from Joseph F. Smith in 1905: "Those things which we call extraordinary, remarkable, or unusual may make history, but they do not make real life.  After all, to do well those things which God ordained to be the common lot of all man...